Seven Things You Should Know About Wikis

Seven Things You Should Know About Wikis

I’ve been fascinated by the possibilities of Wiki-Wikis for years, but have always had a hard time getting past the inherent ugliness of most implementations and the difficulty of getting nontechnical users comfortable with the interface. The succes of Wikipedia and the increased use of more attractive skins and templates seem to be moving Wikis into the mainstream. The Educause Learning Initiative (ELI) has released a nice summary of the software that can be used to introduce the technology to faculty and students.

This is a part of the NLI’s “7 Things You Should Know About…” series which provides concise information on a variet of learning practices and technologies. Each fact sheet focuses on a single practice in a common format: What is it? Who’s doing it? How does it work? Why is it significant? What are the downsides? Where is it going? What are the implications for teaching and learning?

Other technologies covered in the series include:
