Link to: bgblogging Barbara Ganley posted an interesting reflection on her experience with her personal blog, her writing workshop blog, and a cooperative blog by upper class students from Middlebury, Haverford and Dickinson called Blogging the World. In her posts she suggests that those of us who are using blogs in our coursework are actively…
Recent News
Web 2.0 Music Theory Course
Link to: MUT 112 – Music Theory I @ Oakland University This site has pulled together a variety of interactive tools to support a music theory course, including a series of podcasts organized as MUT 112 Radio with a nice flash interface. Listening assignments are set up as blog entries that allow students to comment…
Thinking about Visual images in a Writing Course
Link to: bgblogging: Thinking about images in a Writing Course Barbara Ganley, Lecturer in the Writing Program and English, and the Director of The Project for Integrated Expressionat Middlebury College, is one of the most experienced faculty members of the blogosphere, having used blogs as a writing tool since 2001. In this post, she explores…
Brain Plasticity: Is the Internet Really Changing Us?
Any attempt to make broad statements about the technical abilities of our students is met with a variety of responses. Some folks are quick to embrace the heuristic value of terms like the Net Generation or Digital Natives. Others are equally as quick to attack such broad generalizations as counter productive, claiming that such stereotypes…
A Principal Who Blogs (Fearlessly)
Link to: This is an beautifully designed site from a school in Marietta, Georgia that celebrates “Making Learning Irresistable for Over 25 Years.” The site features blogs by most of the teachers and key administrators, including some links to actual lesson plans. The teachers’ blogs all have RSS feeds and incorporate many of the…
Speaking with Understanding About Net Gen Learners
Link to: CogDogBlog » Blog Archive » NetGen Learners: Where’s The Action? Check the Assumptions at the (Classroom) Door? I’ve just gotten back from the Educause Learning Initiative (ELI) fall forum at Estrella Mountain Community College, part of the CogDog’s own Maricopa system. The forum convener was Diana G. Oblinger, one of the editors of…
Fair Use Harvard Business School Style
I’ve just received the following in an email message from Harvard Business School Publishing. If this represents the mainstream view of publishers, and I suspect it does, most of the works currently posted on many of our Blackboard courses would be considered to be infringing, even if they would be permitted by our current policy…
The Internet’s Impact on U.S. College Faculty
Professors online First Monday has published the results of a survey of 2,316 US college faculty to determine the impact of specific internet technologies on teaching and research, their interactions with students and about their perceptions of students’ internet use. One particularly important research question focused on the degree to which the internet enhances or…
Learning, Technology and Communities of Practice
Learning, Technology and Community: A Journey of the Self Stephen Downes has posted summary notes and the PowerPoint slides from a talk by Etienne Wenger at the ALT-C elearning conference in Manchester. Wenger’s ideas on communities of practice were shaped by intensive conversations and interactions with John Seeley Brown, one of the authors of The…
Another way of looking at instructional design
Internet Time Blog: Another way of looking at instructional design This link, from the Internet Time blog by way of Sephen’s Web, offers some interesting context on instructional design theory. At the same time it raises some interesting questions about curriculum development techniques and about how we approach the broad issues of technology planning in…